Effect of Ambient Reynolds Number on Small Wind Turbine Subjected to Low Wind Speed Conditions


  • Joel Mbwiga Mbeya University of Science and Technology Author
  • Cuthbert Z. Kimambo Author
  • Joseph Kihedu Author


Low Reynolds Number, Boundary Layer, Laminar Separation Bubbles


Wind flow over the airfoil surface is adversely affected by the differences between the design and ambient values of a dimensionless quantity called Reynolds number. Wind turbine designed for high Reynolds Number shows lower maximum power performance when installed in low-speed wind regime. Tanzanian experience shows that some imported modern wind turbines depict lower power performance compared to the drag-type locally manufactured wind turbines. The most probable reason is the difference between design and local ambient Reynolds numbers. The turbine design parameters have their properties restricted to the range of Reynolds numbers for which the turbine was designed for. When a wind turbine designed for a certain range of Reynolds numbers is made to operate in the Reynolds number out of that range, it behaves differently from the embodied design specifications. The small wind turbine of higher Reynolds number will suffer low lift forces with probably occasional stalls.  




How to Cite

Effect of Ambient Reynolds Number on Small Wind Turbine Subjected to Low Wind Speed Conditions. (2024). Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science (MEJS) , 12(2), 223-231. https://journal.mu.edu.et/index.php/mejs/article/view/295