Effect of Bio-inoculants Applied to M5 Mulberry Under Rain-fed Condition on Growth and Cocoon Traits Performance of Silkworm, Bombyxmori L.


  • Waktole Sori Jimma University Author
  • Bhaskar, R. N College of Sericulture, UAS (B), Chintamani-563 125 Author


Bio-inoculants, Cocoon traits, Growth variables, M5 mulberry, Rain-fed


Nutrition plays a pivotal role in sericulture. It improves the growth, development, health, feed consumption and conversion of silkworm thereby improving the commercial traits. Silkworm, Bombyx Mori L., is a monophagous insect that drives almost all required nutrients for its growth and development from mulberry leaf. Application of the required nutrient in the required amount to mulberry plant is, therefore, very essential for the successful silkworm growth and cocoon production. The present investigation was carried out at the department of sericulture, GKVK, UAS, Bangalore, India in 2007 with an objective to determine the effect of three bio-inoculants application to M5 mulberry plant on silkworm (PM x CSR2) growth, development and coocoon traits. The feeding experiment was laid-out in Completely Randomized Design (CRD)with eight treatments replicated three times. The result revealed that the larval growth variables and cocoon traits were significantly better when developing worms were fed on mulberry leaves raised by applying the recommended doses of nutrients. However, the recommended rate of chemical fertilizers application was found either the same or on par with 25 per cent reduced Nitrogen and Phospherous (NP) application when supplemented with bio-inoculants (Azotobactersp., Aspergillus awamori and Trichodermaharzianum). This indicate that 25 per cent reduction of NP application does not adversely affect larval growth and cocoon traits when supplemented with the above three microbes.




How to Cite

Effect of Bio-inoculants Applied to M5 Mulberry Under Rain-fed Condition on Growth and Cocoon Traits Performance of Silkworm, Bombyxmori L. (2024). Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science (MEJS) , 4(2), 29-39. https://journal.mu.edu.et/index.php/mejs/article/view/117