Supporting “Student-Network” with the Principles of Cooperative Learning: Effects and Implications


  • Nigusse Weldemariam Reda Mekelle University, Institute of Pedagogical Sciences Author
  • Tsegay Girmay Hagos Mekelle University, Institute of Pedagogical Sciences Author
  • Mulugeta Tsegai Gebre-eyesus Mekelle University, Institute of Pedagogical Sciences Author
  • Samson Fikadu Weldie Mekelle University, Institute of Pedagogical Sciences Author


Achievement, Cooperative learning, Student-network


The study examined the effects of student-network supported by the five principles of cooperative learning on students’ academic achievement. Accordingly, the study followed a quasi-experimental design to meet its purposes. In so doing, two schools (one each from primary and general secondary) were selected through probability (multistage) and nonprobability (convenient) sampling techniques. The convenient sampling technique was used to select the zone/town where the schools are found. Following this, grade seven and grade nine were selected from the schools using simple random and purposeful sampling techniques respectively. Then after, a pre-test (on Mathematics, English and Physics subjects) were administered to grade seven and nine students to select comparable and treatment groups. Consequently, comparable treatment and comparable groups were identified. The treatment groups were then given three days training on the five principles of cooperative learning. In addition, the treatment groups received hands-on support on the principles of cooperative learning during their actual student network discussions. Finally, post-test was administered to all groups and the results imply that the treatment and comparable groups, which had proportional results in their pre-test results, were found to have a statistically significant difference in their post-test results. Accordingly, the study concluded that supporting student-network with the five principles of cooperative learning has a positive effect on students’ academic achievement. To this end, the study recommends that schools need to follow and support their student-network with the five principles of cooperative learning to better improve students’ academic achievement.


