Reflective Opinion: Where the Challenge to Good Quality of Education in Ethiopia Lies?


  • Adhana Haile Adhana Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, House of PeopleĀ“s Representatives Author


Challenges, Education quality, Educators, Pedagogy, Policy, Students


Ensuring quality of education is among the major global concerns. Countries, irrespective of their economic and social development, are observed being tackling to ensure the quality of their education system. However, while some, especially those that balance external innovations with their internal conditions, are successful, others that rely on blind grafting the external innovations into their internal context are trapped in viscous dilemmas. Therefore, this article presents a reflective opinion emanated from my experience as educator and officer in different offices (regional bureau head and state minster for higher education ) in the Ethiopian education system. In my reflective opinion, I have tried to articulate the definition for quality of education and the main challenges that trapped Ethiopia while ensuring the quality of its education. By so doing, concluding remarks on what and how democratic Ethiopia has achieved so far and, consequently, what the challenge is now for our educators and teachers are chronicled.


