Investigating the Relationship between Team Cohesion and Self-Presentation among Different Competitive Team Sports of Ethiopian Universities


  • Tesfay Asgedom Haddera Addis Ababa University Author


Team cohesion, Self-presentation, Competitive anxiety, Team sports, Ethiopia


One of the most constantly studied constructs in team dynamic research is cohesiveness, because it’s not only associated with group level outcomes such as performance but also with individuals outcomes.  Self-presentation involves the selective presentation of particular characteristics of oneself that would make  the desired impression on others. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between  self-presentation and team cohesion among different competitive team sports of Ethiopian Universities. It is the hypothesis that high cohesion would be associated with low self-presentational concerns. The sample  consisted of 108 athletes (68 male, 40 female) from 11 different universities among 33, with the average of 20.94 ± 1.95 years of age, using random sampling technique. The data was obtained using Group  Environmental Questionnaire (GEQ), Self-presentation in Sport Questionnaire (SPSQ) and the Sport Anxiety  Scale (SAS) for team cohesion, self-presentation and competitive anxiety, respectively. The findings show  that the task and social cohesion are negatively related to self-presentational concerns in sports, explaining 4% of variance, which means higher perceptions of cohesion, are associated with low self-presentational  concerns.




How to Cite

Investigating the Relationship between Team Cohesion and Self-Presentation among Different Competitive Team Sports of Ethiopian Universities. (2024). Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science (MEJS) , 8(1), 62-74.