Agronomic performance of some haricot bean varieties (haseolus vulgaris L.) with and without phosphorus fertilizer under irrigated and rain fed conditions in the Tigray and Afar regional states, northern Ethiopia
Haricot bean varieties, Fertilizer-P, growing season, Northern EthiopiaAbstract
Haricot bean is an important source of protein, calories and cash for small holder farmers of Ethiopia. Five genotypes of haricot bean were grown with and without phosphorous fertilizer application, under irrigation and rain fed growing conditions in randomized complete block design with three replications in three locations of the Tigray and Afar regional states, northern Ethiopia. The aim of the study was to examine the performance and select the best and well adapted varieties, as well as to determine the role of phosphorus on yield response of varieties and on root nodulation. Varieties like Awash-1 and Mexican-142 were better in terms of earliness to maturity. Variety Chore exhibits high mean grain yield (24.5 qt/ha under irrigation and 19.6 qt/ha under rainfed) followed by Awash-Melka (20.7qt/ha under irrigation and 19 qt/ha under rainfed). Phosphorus application did not significantly affect various parameters examined and its effect was erratic and inconsistent. Significant variations were observed among haricot bean varieties for number of nodules per plant. It is recommended to grow early maturing varieties Awash-1 and Mexican 142 under rain-fed and the intermediate to late maturing and better yielding varieties such as Awash-Melka and Chore under irrigation.