Prevalence and Clinico-Pathology of Ketosis in Dairy Cows in Tigray Region of Ethiopia


  • Gebrehiwot Tadesse Mekelle University Author
  • Dejene Bekelle Mekelle University Author
  • Bhoop Singh Author


Dairy Cows, Ketosis, Prevalence, Mekelle, Ethiopia


An investigation to study the prevalence and clinico-pathology of ketosis in dairy cows was undertaken from November 2007 to May 2008 at Kalamino, Agazi and Mekelle University dairy farms in and around Mekelle town of Tigray region of Ethiopia. Recently- calved cows were screened for ketosis by subjecting urine and milk sample to strip (URS-10) and Rothera’s tests.
An overall prevalence of 12.29% was recorded with highest prevalence  during January and February. Age-wise, the highest prevalence was noticed at 8-9 years of age (73.34%). Cows in their 4th lactation (46.67%) and those in 1-2 months (53.35%) of lactation had significantly higher prevalence (p< 0.005). The clinical observations in ketotic cows were  anorexia, refusal to take concentrate and decrease in milk yield. There was 30-100% decrease in milk yield in most of the cases. The body temperature, pulse and respiration rates were within normal range with
decreased rumen motility. Feces were scanty, mucoid and dry; and urine, breath and fresh milk had characteristic smell of acetone. Ketotic animals were treated with dextrose and insulin.




How to Cite

Prevalence and Clinico-Pathology of Ketosis in Dairy Cows in Tigray Region of Ethiopia. (2024). Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science (MEJS) , 4(1), 115-120.