Multidisciplinary Forensic Interview with Alleged Child Sexual Abuse and Its Challengesin Selected Units in Addis Ababa


  • Tensae Gebrekrstos Author


Child Forensic Interview, Criminal Investigation, Forensic Investigation


This study examined multidisciplinary forensic interviews of alleged child sexual abuse cases and their challenges in Addis Ababa. A qualitative research approach and purposive sampling technique were employed, involving seven investigative police officers, three public prosecutors, three social workers, and four individuals in administrative positions at the selected units, totaling 17 participants. In-depth interviews were conducted with the police, social workers, and prosecutors, along with key informant interviews with the administrators. Pertinent documents were consulted, and thematic analysis was used. Although there is some collaboration among police, public prosecutors, health professionals, and social workers as part of a multidisciplinary team (MDT) for forensic interviews, the study revealed recurring challenges in the MDT forensic interview process. These challenges included misunderstandings about each other's roles, role conflicts, lack of cooperation among professionals, duplication of interviews, the absence of laws regulating the involvement of each agency or professional, and a limited number of social workers in the units. These issues made conducting successful MDT forensic interviews in the selected units difficult. Therefore, the researcher suggests the need for laws that clearly define each agency's role in the interview process, as well as the implementation of joint training schemes and communication mechanisms.


