About the Journal
East African Journal of Health Sciences an open access biannual peer reviewed journal interested in original research in the areas of health. The journal welcomes submissions of original research papers, systematic reviews that provide original information on health issues, case series, case reports and letters to the editor (correspondence) usually commenting on a recent publication in the journal. The journal also publishes special issues which bring together collections of papers on a particular theme usually edited by a guest editor and subject to customary reviewing process.
Current Issue
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): East African Journal of Health Sciences
Benefits of Publishing with EAJHS:
- Open Access: Published articles are freely available to readers worldwide, maximizing their reach and impact.
- Fast Publication: We strive for a prompt review process and publication timeline.
- Wide Audience: The journal reaches a broad readership of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers interested in health issues in East Africa and beyond.